Rimrock Wellness Center is now offering Zerona Z6 Fat Loss Services!
A clinically-proven new treatment that painlessly reduces inches and removes stubborn body fat.
Zerona Z6, by Erchonia revolutionizes body contouring in a safe and effective treatment...
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What is Zerona?

What if I told you that you can lose inches without green smoothies, tea cleanses, or spending 5 days a week in the gym? The Zerona Z6 Laser is a non-invasive fat loss laser that has been proven to reduce fat in the waist, hips, thighs, and more in as little as 2 weeks- without any downtime or side effects. Lose inches and get the body and confidence you deserve.

Zerona treatments are quick and painless!
You simply lie under Zerona for 20 minutes
on your front and 20 minutes on your back.
Unlike minimally invasive or traditional liposuction, Zerona allows you to continue
your daily activities without any interruption!

Is Zerona Z6 right for you?

If you’ve tried diet and exercise but still have fat
and inches you just can’t lose... It’s time for Zerona.
Zerona is the only clinically-proven, non- invasive
body contouring treatment for overall body
circumference that is measurable.

Zerona targets your stubborn fat areas and
painlessly emulsifies the fat under your skin.
Your body removes the fat from the area

Proudly brought to you by:

You can find us at:
2695 Patterson Rd Suite 13, Grand Junction, CO 81506
(970) 261-1789

Enter your information below and we will be reaching out to schedule your FREE consultation.

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